Don't think you are alone in dealing with this condition. Every man worries at least a little bit about losing his hair. Those who are reluctant to admit this worry are probably the ones most likely to get caught looking in the mirror for the beginning signs of baldness. The reason they worry is because it is so widespread. Of course it is not (usually) something that one man can "catch" from another. But you should understand how it works and what causes it. This article will talk about both of those things. According to some studies, using Saw Palmetto can do a lot in solving this issue. You can't treat hair loss without first knowing what's causing the condition. Is that a new diet you are trying? Are you using over the counter drugs to help? These have been shown to cause thinning and baldness especially in men. STOP! Think about what you are doing to your hair, it's a proven fact that these types of medications can cause hair loss. The specific reason for this is that these medications really mess up your hormones. If the inches are coming off just as fast as the hair is falling out you need to talk to your doctor.An amazing kind of herbal medicine are Gymnema Sylvestre and you should definitely look into it more.
Once you understand why it's happening you will be better able to accept that it's happening and move forward. A condition called Telogen Defluvium is one of the reason for hair loss. What a strange sounding set of words, sounds almost foreign. It's really not some foreign disease it's just a resting phase of the hair growth cycle. Stress plays a large role in this condition.
If you've noticed a sudden massive hair loss, this could be the reason. Talk to your doctor about possible solutions. You may be able to reverse the effects by simply reducing your emotional stress levels!
Has anyone ever told you that shampoo can cause hair loss too? Your shampoo should meet the needs of your scalp. This is especially true of specialty shampoos or shampoos that have been prescribed by doctors. If you've noticed that your hair has started to thin, you should try switching shampoos. There is no need to try expensive treatments until you've tried changing shampoos, this will save you time and frustration if the problem resolves. Obviously you'll want to talk to a doctor as well, just to keep your bases covered. There are many reasons a man might lose his hair. There are also lots of ways to fight back against the baldness that is threatening to take over your scalp. Talk to a medical professional. He or she will probably have a few different things you can try to both slow down the rate of your hair loss and re-grow some of the hair that you have lost. Of course the Mel Tomey look is always an option when you have decided it's too difficult to deal with medical treatment.